ICA Madrassa (Hybrid)
Sunday Madrassa
1. Stories of Prophets
2. Quran’s Wisdom
3. Islamic Mannerisms
4. Steps of Salah (Islamic Prayer)
5. Islamic Studies
6. Life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Quran Word by Word
1. Basic Arabic Alphabets
2. Fat’hah, Kasrah and Dhammah
3. Sukoon, Tanween and Thashdeed
4. Qalqalah, Ghunnah Rules
5. Quran word by word w/ meanings
For Kids and Young adults aged 9 and up. (classes will be held online using the platform)
We’ve Started Courses From Home
Courses Overview
Our courses are designed to educate and empower our children with the requisite knowledge of their religion in the light of a changing world. Our courses and classes are categorized such as Qur’an With Tajweed, Hadees, Islamic History and many more.
During this pandemic we are offering online classes to our students. All classes will be taught online by well Qualified Islamic Teachers from Monday to Thursday.
Fill the registration form to join the classes starting from this week.
Learn Qur'an from Expert Islamic Teachers.
Learn History from Expert Islamic Teachers.
Learn Hadith from Expert Islamic Teachers.
Learn Islamic beliefs from Islamic Teachers.
Learn Ikhlaq from Expert Islamic Teachers.
Classes will be conducted online using the platform.
Course Syllabus
Age Group
9 yrs - 12 yrs
- Week 1: Islamic Books Names
- Week 2: Names of Allah
- Week 3: Teachings of Prophet (PBUH)
- Week 4: Qur'an with Tajweed
- Week 5: Hadith Understanding
Age Group 13 yrs - 16 yrs
- Week 1: Islamic Books Names
- Week 2: Names of Allah
- Week 3: Teachings of Prophet (PBUH)
- Week 4: Qur'an with Tajweed
Age Group 17 + yrs
- Week 1: Islamic Books Names
- Week 2: Names of Allah
- Week 3: Teachings of Prophet (PBUH)
- Week 4: Qur'an with Tajweed